Our policy is based on laws that apply:

  • all over Australia
  • just in South Australia.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 is an Australian law.

It explains how people with disability must be treated fairly.

There are 2 laws from South Australia that apply.

The Equal Opportunity Act 1984.

This law says that everyone should be able to use government services.

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018.

This law explains how the government is making sure we include people with disability in our community.

This is a document that explains how we will use more online services.

The Digital by Default Declaration says:

“Digital services will be available online, mobile-ready, easy to use and accessible.”

Other rules and agreements

There are other important rules and agreements we use.

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is an organisation that helps make sure our community is fair for people with disability.

The AHRC has also published information about making websites accessible.

The AHRC says that people with disability must get the same access to information as everyone else.

This is the law.

All governments in Australia must have accessible websites.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability explains the rights of people with disability.

It is used by governments around the world.

The National Disability Strategy explains what governments around Australia can do to make our community better for people with disability.

Easy read policy word list (bold words)

Last update: 9 September 2019, first published.